Having three sand volleyball courts makes room for multiple games at the same time and perfect for tournaments, family events, or friends gathering. Please check out the rules below for utilizing these courts, and call 660.562.2923 for anyone interested in reserving.
$15/hour per court
$125/day for all three courts
May be reserved between 8am - 10pm

The two original south tennis courts were built in 1961 with help from the Maryville Host Lions Club assisting MPR by providing the financing for the courts and the Rotary Club assisting with the fencing. Following, in 1976 the two north courts were constructed with help of a matching grant from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and Water Conservation Fund.
Since then, they've been enjoyed by many either learning the sport of tennis, or spending a quality afternoon enjoying the sport. Having four tennis courts makes room for multiple games at the same time and perfect for tournaments, family events, or friends gathering.

Besides Maryville Parks and Recreation utilizing Donaldson West Side Park and Beal Park fields for Youth and Adult Leagues as well as special events, it is also home to ASA Tournaments.
$20/hour for practices No Chalking
$130/field for 1 - 2 games (One time prep)
$150/field for 3+ games (One time prep)
$200 all day tournament (one time prep)
$300 per field (multiple day event) with prep each day
If lights needed per practices $20/hour per field*
*tournament rentals: lights included for all day tournaments
For field rentals, contact Kristy McLain at recreation@maryvilleparks.org or 660-562-2923


The Maryville Aquatic Center is located at 500 N Laura in the Beal Park complex. The seasonal aquatic center is open from Memorial day to the second Sunday in August. For more information, check out the aquatic center page!